After hearing from Eddie Staub at a leadership event I attended, I felt it was extremely important for Edgewood Children’s Ranch to use Wings Consulting to assess our program. The Edgewood team was looking to grow and expand our quality of care. Eddie spent time with each of my leadership team members, as well as with some of our longtime staff members. The goal was to see how we were doing with our organizational structure and building out our leadership team. Through many interviews and quality conversations, Eddie was able to provide us with a report on some of the areas we are showing success and other areas where improvement is needed. Eddie’s visit was greatly appreciated by my team, and they were excited to hear his perspective on my leadership and the direction the organization is headed. Through his time here at Edgewood, we gleaned new ideas to provide better care for the children we work with and new ways to enhance our team’s leadership skills.
Bruce Jordan, Executive Director
Edgewood Children’s Ranch

Wings Consulting is a global consulting and mentorship program of Eagle Ranch to equip others. It offers guidance to children’s programs and other nonprofits who are getting started or retooling their programs. From advising and strategic planning to sharing best practices, a wide range of support is offered.