My name is Amy Washington, and I live in Uganda, Africa. I am a 27-year-old single adoptive mother of 7 young children and foster mother to 12 teenage pregnant and nursing mothers, and their 9 babies. I am Executive Director of Kupendwa Ministries, a non-profit organization working in the maternal child health sector seeking to save the lives of mothers and their babies— both physically and eternally.
When I was 4-years-old, my parents, John and Donna Washington, followed God’s calling to become houseparents at Eagle Ranch. Over the next 4 ½ years, I grew up with numerous ‘older brothers.’ Eagle Ranch was such a vital part of my childhood years. As I grew older and truly understood the vision and mission of the Ranch, helping and caring for needy children became more deeply ingrained into my heart.
In the summer of 2009, after graduating from The University of Georgia, I traveled to Uganda and fell in love with the people and culture. At the same time, my heart was broken over the immense need. I went two more times during 2010. On my third trip, I met a special little girl who would eventually become my first adopted daughter, Amina. As I began raising this child, God used her to draw my heart deeper into the call of adoption and fostering.
I permanently moved to Uganda in May 2011. While working with abandoned, malnourished, and desperately needy babies, I began to ask questions: “Where is the mother of this baby?” And I began to get answers: “The mother died in childbirth,” or “The mother abandoned the baby in a trash pit.” I would then ask, “How old was the mother?” The answers: “15,” “16” or “17.”
The answers that I heard like a broken record crushed my heart time and time again. I founded Kupendwa Ministries in January 2012 to reach and save such mothers and babies.
As Kupendwa has grown, I have sought advice and counsel. While visiting in the United States last year, I contacted Eagle Ranch’s Founder and Executive Director, Eddie Staub.
He gave me advice on directing an organization, keeping my focus on Christ, delegating, holding onto my passion, the importance of building an effective Board of Directors, seeking wise counsel in every decision, and much more.
I am eternally grateful. Mr. Staub has been more of an encouragement and challenge to me than he will ever know. The Ranch has been a part of my life and influence to my entire family since I was a child. Now, through the Wings Initiative, he continues to be a mentor, counselor, and encourager to me. Through Kupendwa Ministries, Eagle Ranch is influencing the lives of hundreds of mothers and babies half a world away. It is a shining testimony to the glory and grace of God.

Wings Consulting is a global consulting and mentorship program of Eagle Ranch to equip others. It offers guidance to children’s programs and other nonprofits who are getting started or retooling their programs. From advising and strategic planning to sharing best practices, a wide range of support is offered.