Dr. Gary Moon

Dr. Gary Moon, M.Div. PH.D

Strategic Advisor
Spiritual Formation & Retreats

Gary W. Moon, M.Div. Ph.D. served as the founding Executive Director of the Martin Institute for Christianity and Culture and the Dallas Willard Center for Christian Spiritual Formation at Westmont College and continues to direct their resource development initiatives through serving as the director of Conversatio Divina: A Center for Spiritual Formation.

For The Wings Center, Gary serves as a consultant and advisor for spiritual formation and retreats. Other roles he has held include Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Spiritual Formation at Richmont Graduate University, and director of the DMIN program in spiritual direction at Fuller Theological Seminary. He served as the founding director of the Renovaré International Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation and as a founding Editor of the Conversations Journal.

Gary writes in areas such as the theoretical and practical integration of psychology, theology and spiritual formation. He has published and presented over 300 professional and popular papers and is a columnist for Christian Counseling Today. His biography of Dallas Willard, “Becoming Dallas Willard,” won the Christian Book Award® in the Biography & Memoir category. Some of his other books include: “Eternal Living: Reflections on Dallas Willard’s Teaching on Faith & Formation” (IVP, 2015) and “Apprenticeship with Jesus” (Baker Books, 2009). “Falling for God” (Shaw/Random House, 2004), “Spiritual Direction and the Care of Souls” (IVP, 2004), “Homesick for Eden” (Servant,1997) and a four-volume family devotion series, “The Bible Ride” (Servant and LifeSprings).